Lewi coffee farm is located at the heart of the Afromontane forest of Bonga and Bench which are one of the centers of coffee origins in Ethiopia.
It is our genuine belief that farming in an area wherein most households totally depend on agriculture should actively involve the local community as this is the best way to make our enterprise sustainable and welcomed by the community.
The farm currently have a total of 700 contractual workers and 70 permanent workers from the surrounding villages.
The farm has a well-established norm equally applicable to both male and female workers that “no child worker should be used in the farm at any time for any farm activity and both female and male workers shall receive same and fair salary”.
Provision of Books for three schools where the children of the farm workers attend their education.
Awarding of best performing students from three selected schools (Tikdem, Lemlem and Sheda) grade 1 to 8 (a total of 120 students) with educational materials to uplift their attitude towards education and encourage them to continue attend their school regardless of the many hurdles they may face (early marriage, health and financial problems, etc.).
Provision of seedlings of improved coffee (122,000) that are adaptable, high yielding, resistant to diseases and good in quality to the local schools and individual farmers.
Transfer of technologies and skills with regard to improved coffee cultivars, seedling raising, nursery management, transplanting, coffee pruning, coffee shade tree management, soil and water conservation, safe and environmentally friendly methods of controlling weeds, insect pests and diseases.
Provision of computers to schools so that students and teachers are kept abreast with the application of IT in education.